Creative Switch

The goal of my assignment was to create a scenery while lighting up led’s. I decided on creating a pond. The pond consisted of a swan, two ducks, three koi fish, and lily pads that would light up. The swan and the ducks were origami, and all the materials were decorated using watercolor paint. step…

Creative Switch – Inventory Storage

My initial idea for this project was to create something that would be helpful in some way for me. I began by thinking about making some sort of mechanism that would somehow remind about items or things that I usually forget to take like my wallet or keys. Through some brainstorming I ended up with…

Creative Switch

Sock Puppet Switch: Materials: 1 sock 3 LEDs 6 skinny wires Conductive material Two 3 volt batteries Soldering iron Tape Markers Start by folding the sock inside out and putting the LEDs in the desired places. Next, solder one mini wire to each cathode leg of each LED. Tape the battery pack with the two…

Creative Switch

Spinning LED Tower Materials (2) LED  (4) 2 inch wire (2) 4 inch wire 5 inches of copper tape cut in half various Bionical TM pieces  Wire cutters and Strippers  Tape 3 volt battery   2.5in diameter paper circle Solder Instructions  Strip one end of every 2 inch wire piece   Solder the stripped end to…