Project Natal Milo Demo

This could possibly be the future of gaming. The technology in this video is very interesting and creative. The main feature involved with this game is interacting with the character on the screen. The details of the environments are impressive and the game seems to respond well when it comes to interacting with the person…

Mike McCracken’s Audio Ping Pong

Mike McCracken’s Audio Ping Pong using “an arduino, headphones and an accelerometer” to retrofit pong into an audio game. The object of the game is to tilt your head along with where the “ball” sounds like it is in space, if you stray off this path, you lose the game. As the game continues, the…

Brushing Your Teeth: The Game

As a child, brushing my teeth was a chore and I’m sure it took a lot of pressure from my parents for me to brush my teeth on a regular basis, as is the case with most kids. It seems there might finally be a solution to making brushing one’s teeth exciting and fun. Researchers…