6 principle of design are balance, proximity, alignment, repetition, contrast and space.
Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci (Balance/golden ratio)
Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol (Proximity, Alignment, Repetition, Contrast)
Now day, people more welcoming healthy slow food than fest food. Here is slow design that our life will be healthy. What is slow design? Design that is not purpose of commercial advantage, it is eco-friendly and thought about users environment.
Slow design principle : Holistic, Sustainable, Tailored, Adaptable, Durable, Non-toxic, and Efficient
Soccket is a soccer ball by day and a lamp by night. The kinetic energy generating ball allows children in developing countries to play during the day and work on homework at night.
This is a Q-drum. So people can easily carry the water.
I want to make … something that I can help the public interest. Something that might use in developing countries.