The six principles of Slow Design can be applied to many aspects of life. Through revelation, expansion, reflection, engagement, participation, and evolution, we can not only design art/pieces, but live a more bountiful life. In “House X on Behance” designed by Matas Miliauskas, the house has a modern appearance on the inside and outside. One of the most riveting parts of this design, that also exhibits REVEAL, is the location. Overlooking the mountains doesn’t just add scenery, but ‘reveals’ that living life on the edge can give life a feeling/meaning that few get to experience. Meaning, not many people live on the edge of a mountain or live life on the edge, so they do not get to experience anything different than the next person.
Another design created by Marly Gallardo “Sustainable Impact” exemplifies REFLECT. The piece shows how we are witnessing the impact businesses do to our environment yet we do not do much to change it. Through the smoke coming out in the shapes of trees, this piece shows how the impact is becoming our environment; nature is diminishing. This prompts us to reflect on our own environmental impact, improve it, and also combat ways businesses impact our environment.
Two Slow Design Project Ideas-
Free Sodas
A pack of sodas usually comes with six-pack rings that are made of plastic that often end up in places other than the trash. If we made this with biodegradable plastic, it would still serve the same purpose but will have less impact on our environment. This prompts to REFLECT on easy ways that we can impact our environment less. There are simple ways to create pieces that serve the same purpose as the original piece, but have less impact.