Final project: Call And Response

My final project was inspired by Camille A. Brown who is a performative artists and centers her work mainly around African-American experiences. For my project I wanted to do a call and response theme which is a performative act that is well-known in African-American music and rituals. The project is very simple; individuals who have an interest in performative work and the manipulation of sounds would enjoy this project. Because this project is easily accessible, it provides free range for anyone who uses it. Not only that, but the simplicity of it allows people to expand on it to their desired outcome.

Resources Needed:

Google SamplerMusical Body Tracker-
Sound Downloader-
Step One: Once You go to sampler website, Click “launch experiment” and then click “start playing
Step Two: Once that is completed, you click “funky sounds” which give you the option to add the sounds of your choice.
Step Three: Download Audio files (in .wav form), pick 2-4 sounds of your choice.
*recorded sounds can also be recorded and uploaded*
Step Four: Upload the audio files chosen into the “+chosen file bubble”
Step 5: Go to “Body tracking” and then select which body part you would like your computer camera to recognize.
*set amplification to the lowest setting (1.0x) to make body easier to track*
Step Five: Once that is completed, you can begin using the body part chosen to play the instruments, simply by moving it the way you desire.