WEEK 1 |
Course Overview |
Jan 14 |
Jan 16 |
WEEK 2 |
Basic Electronics 1.0 |
Jan 21 |
Jan 23 |
- Work on: Assignment 1
- Look for two emails from Wordpress with the subjects "[art150.nma-course.online/blog] New User Registration" and "[art150.nma-course.online/blog] Your username and password info". Go ahead and sign up
- Post to Blog: Online Research: Find two artworks or design projects that would fit the parameters of two of the six design principles (as laid out in Fuad-Lake's Slow Design Principles). Describe the works, include images, and discuss how each of the projects fits the principles as well as what impresses you about them. This part of your blog should be at least two paragraphs long. Next, conceptualize two 'fantasy' projects of your own that are oriented around and inspired by at least 2 of the 6 slow design principles. Describe the projects + include sketches in your post. This portion of your blog entry should constitute an additional 4-6 WELL WRITTEN, WELL CONSTRUCTED paragraphs in length. This short paper/ blog entry is DUE by 5pm this coming Sunday.
WEEK 3 |
interaction design | Machine Art |
- DUE: Slow Design Blog entry
- Discussion of 'Slow Design Principles'
Programming in Processing continued: DOWNLOAD CODE FOLDER (Day 3)
if/then statements
using Images
booleans (true | false)
mouse and keyboard input
for loops
IN CLASS: Work through these tutorials:
Work in Class Time
Information Aesthetics/Visualization Links & Artists |
Jan 30
- DUE: Processing Assignment 1: DRAWING MACHINE
- Download: Lecture One
- Basic Electronics + circuit building 101: An overview of components
- basic electronic components, circuit design schematics
- What are resistors?
- Demos:
- Paper circuits with Paper + Copper Tape
- Discuss Creative Switches Project - and a view of past examples
- Resource Links
WEEK 4 |
Basic Electronics 1.2 |
Feb 4
- Continued review of basic electronic components, circuit design schematics
- OVERVIEW: OHM's Law and the working relationship between Voltage, Current, and Resistence | Water Analogy
- Graphite resistors, Diana Burgoyne, magnetic strip resistor
- Working with Multimeters + Measuring resistance
- Using a multimeter References: General and Specific
- Discuss Creative Switches Project - and a view of past examples
- Other conductive building materials include conductive thread, ink, and playdoh/ puddies, zippers, LED stickers, and spring wire, etc
- Ohms Law applied:
Formula: R = (V1 - V2) / I
V1 = power supply voltage
V2 = LED voltage
I = LED current (usually 20mA which is .02A)
- REVIEW of Creative Switches Project requirements & continued viewing of past project examples: link 1 and link 2
- Schedule Extra Credit Build Session / Meeting - Friday 12-3pm
- Resource Links
- Work On: Creative Switch I
- Read:Basic Electronics (pp.1-5), Basic_Electronics_2, LEDs for beginners
Remember to document the 'making of' your creative switch(es) for the instructable portion of the assignment!
- Bring components of your Creative Switch project to work on in the next class
- For Wednesday (next class): send the instructor a one paragraph description / proposal via email
Feb 6 |
- IN CLASS WORK TIME for Creative Switch & Individual Meetings - Individual Meetings on Projects
- Basic Electronics 102: Series and Parallel circuit building
- Series/ Parallel: A 12V battery wired to four 3V LEDs in series would distribute 3V to each of the LED's.
But that same 12V battery wired to four 3V LEDs in parallel, would deliver the full 12V to each LED - enough voltage to burn out the LED's!
- Demo: Make a pressure switch
- Resource Links
- SCHEDULED: Extra Credit Build Session / Meeting - Friday 12-3pm
WEEK 5 |
Creative Switch and Intro to Arduino |
Feb 11 |
- DUE Next Class: Creative Switch I
- Post to Blog: Documentation of your creative switch construction in the format of an Instructables project: include pictures (and/ or video) plus written descriptions of all the materials and construction steps, start to finish. See homework page for full specs.
- Bring your cameras to document your work+ others using it during/after crits
- Download and install the Arduino software to your laptops
- Be sure to bring in your laptops next class!
Feb 13
- Critique and Documentation of Creative Switches project
WEEK 6 |
Arduino: basic sensing + output |
Feb 18 |
- Watch: Massimo Banzi: how arduino is open sourcing imagination
- Massimo Banzi Bio
- Intro to the Arduino microcontroller
- What are bits, bytes, and nibbles used for?
- Demo: Light control with Arduino
- Download Arduino Start Notes _1 pdf
- Download Arduino Experimenter's Guide
- Demo Links:
- Sketch 1 - Blinking LED
- Sketch 2 - LED with Photoresistor
- Artist + Resource Links
- LED and Resistor Calculator
- How to Read a Resistor, resistor widget
- How to Read a Resistor: Mnemonic is "Big Boys Race Our Young Girls But Violet Generally Wins"
- Resistor Color Code Calculator
- VIEW: Kinetic Sculpture + Natural Systems in New Media
- Ken Goldberg: Telegarden, Youtube Vid
- Arthur Ganson
- Fernando Orellana
- Jeff Carter
- Ralph Schreiber and ELF - Living Particles
- BlubberBots by Jed Berk - one, two, three (pdf)
- Anders Neirem, Shadow-seeking lights
- Ernst Haeckel - Art Forms in Nature
Rather than being a strict Darwinian, Haeckel believed that the characteristics of an organism were acquired through interactions with the environment and that ontogeny reflected phylogeny. - Wikipedia
- Biomimicry - Janine Benyus - Biomimicry Institute
- Philip Beesley
- Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef Project at the Smithsonian and Nancy Knowlton, the Sant Chair for Marine Science at the museum and the Smithsonian’s science advisor for the exhibition & Daina Taimiņa (Mathematician, Cornell University) TED talk
- Douglas Repetto - Foal link 1 , Foal link 2
- Ken Rinaldo
- Theo Jansen, 1, TED, and simulation
Feb 20 |
WEEK 7 |
Continued Building with Arduino & Electronic Circuits |
Feb 25 |
- EMAIL to instructor: One paragraph description + an image of the artist/ designer/ collaborative you have chosen for your Artist Presentation
- Post blog response: to NeMe (by Huhtamo) reading, due by next class
- Begin Work on: Artist Presentation Assignment
Feb 27
- Reading DUE: Discussion
- Force Sensor (analog) to light, sound, and servo circuit
WEEK 8 |
Programming |
Mar 3 |
- Arduino: Workshop 3 - Download Arduino_Notes_3.pdf
- Discussion Links:
- Erkki Huhtamo, Media Archaeologist
- Prix Ars Electronica Catagories
- Ben Rubin, Mark Hanson & listening post, Sommerer and Mingnoneau & Interactive Plant Growing, Jeffrey Shaw & Legible City, David Rokely & Very Nervous System & Seen + Taken & nChant, Toshio Iwai & Piano as Image Media
Arduino Blog
- Add On Boards: Drawdio, Makey-Makey, OTOTO, Circuit Paint
- Sound Sensor & Neopixels
- Make Basic Keyboard with Arduino: Project 07 in arduino Starterkit
- Code is here
StarterKit Project 05 Keyboard in vid tutorial
- Switches: Reed switch, cd coaster, bookmark, tilt switches, pressure switch
- Add a potentiometer, pot slider, or a photo resistor into an LED circuit
- Inner workings of various Mechanical Switches (tilt, ball, reed relay, etc)
Demo: Pick-Up Mic
- Download: Sample Code 5 folder
- Review of interaction Design Assignment
- "Design is easy. Social competence is the most difficult thing to teach." Joachim Sauter
- DUE: Artist Presentation Assignment - your pdfs by the start of next class
- Email instructor with 2 or 3 project proposals by the start of next class. Each proposal should be at least one substantial paragraph in length. Be as specific as you can in your descriptions. The instructor will email feedback on the viability and technical suggestions for each of the proposals
Mar 5 |
WEEK 9 |
Arduino: Sensors --- Detecting Movement, Light, Motion, Vibration, Soun |
Mar 10 |
- Artist Presentation Assignment - Due In Class
- Work on: Interaction Assignment
Mar 12 |
- Post to Blog: 2 intitial sketchs/ drawings of your Interactive assignment project with a one paragraph project proposal/ description.
- Work on Interactive Assignment - Send Parts list via email to instructor including links to where the parts will be purchased
- Bring all your materials to the next class and BE PREPARED TO WORK ON YOUR PROJECTS IN CLASS!!! Even if all your supplies are not yet in, you can and must work on the circuit, the programming, or the body/ sculptural aspects of your project.
WEEK 10 |
Project Work |
Mar 17
- Work on Interactive Assignment
- Make the body/ structure for your project and/ OR find source code that you can use.
Mar 19 |
- Work on Interactive Assignment
Week 11 |
Mar 31 |
- Work in Class - In Class Work Time for Interaction Assignment
- View: 3D Printing Resources
- Thingiverse, Tom Burtonwood, Roxy Paine
- Artist Links - Site Specificity
- Work on Interactive Assignment DUE
- Post to Blog:
- Your Arduino Code (for the Interactive Art project)
- The LIST of all the electronic components needed for your Interactive Art project. Include prices for the parts as well as links to vendors.
- DUE: Make an account on Thingiverse (it's free). Email two 3d models that you would like to mash up. Make sure they are .stl files. This is due evening before the next class - ie, sunday evening.
- DUE: 3D Model Mashup Mesh for Printing. Email to the instructor by the start of next class
Apr 2
- DUE: two 3D models
- DEMO: MeshMixer
- BEGIN work on Final Project
- EMAIL 3 project ideas to the Instructor with one to two sentence descriptions for each - DUE the evening before next class.
WEEK 12 |
Apr 7 |
- Continued: Artist Presentations
- Suggested reading by Critical Art Ensemble
Information Aesthetics/Visualization sites & Artists |
- EMAIL 3 project ideas to the Instructor with one to two sentence descriptions for each - DUE the evening before next class.
- Work On: Final Project!!!
- Place your online orders today for any parts you can't get locally!!
- Continued: Artist Presentations
- Individual meetings On Final Projects
- Post to Blog: your one page final project proposal plus 3 sketches
- Include in your blog at least three questions that you want to get feedback on. The questions may address conceptual, material, or technical choices / challenges.
- Place your online orders today for any parts you can't get locally!!
WEEK 13 |
Final Project Work |
Apr 14 |
- Work On: Final project
- Place your online orders IMMEDIATELY for any parts you can't get locally!!
- Read: Art Against Information by Mitchell Whitelaw (due one week from today)
- Individual meetings On Final Projects
- Potential Demos:
- DC Motor Hookup - breadboard layout
- Understanding transistors - transistor: signal out
- Capacitive Sensing Code, LED Sensor
- Touch Sensor with CapactiveSensor Library (download here), pwm with light and with Motor
- Download: Touch Sensor code - Alt: Capacative Sensing Project: Touchy Feely Lamp
- Digital Input Examples:
- Button Set Up - and Debounce
- Arduino Knock Sensor
- Proximity Sensors:
- PIR Sensor
- PIR - Motion Detector Sensor
- UltraSonic Sensor for Proximity Detection - *Put a 3 Mohm resister between the trigger and echo pins to get rid of zero's in output.*
- InfraRed (Emmiter / Receiver)
- Example: What is an Accelerometer?
- Triple-Axis Accelerometer Info
- Accelerometer and Neopixels - in use, example
- Pulse Sensor with NeoPixel Ring - How to
- Pulse Code Folder
- NeoPixel + Neo Ring Sewing + Implementation Info
- Adding an Electret Mic for Audio In and Sample Sound to Neopixel Code
Adding in Temperature Sensor
- Choosing the right battery pack for your piece
- Demo: Add in IR Remote Control
- Additional Sensor Links: Sensors 1, Sensors 2, Arduino Store, other commercial sensors
- https://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/LCD-Blue-I2C
- Tactical Media Links:
Radical Software Group
- Bio Media Links: Wim Delvoye (Cloaca), Kenneth Feingold, Bill Vorn, George Gessert, Louis Bec, ELF, Erik Samakh, Electronic Disturbence Theater, Critical Art Ensemble, Eduardo Kac, Natalie Jeremijenko, and Swamp (Collaborative):Projects, Tim Hawkinson
- Work in Class
- Resource Links
- Work On Final Project
- ADD these items to your final project blog post (do not make a new post, just add to the old one by hitting the 'edit' button)
- 1) the detailed initial tasks to complete the work
- 2) a budget list for your project including links to real parts, part numbers, and a budget total
- 3) links to sample code and (optionally) circuit layouts
WEEK 14 |
Final Project |
Apr 21 |
Apr 23 |
- Group Critique: Rapid round table presentations of the works in progress
- Work On: Final Installation
WEEK 15 |
Final Presentations |
Apr 28 |
- Final Project Presentations
Apr 30
- Final Project Presentations